Become a Preservation Partner


Partner with the Madison Trust!

Your business will be in front of our patrons all year long!

Photo: 2017 Historic Preservation Awards


Each year, The Madison Trust reaches a broad spectrum of the community.

In one year’s time:

  • More than 1,350 preservation supporters take our walking tours.

  • Over 85 tours are given in a season.

  • Our website has over 38,000 page views each year.

  • 4,000 membership and tour brochures are distributed throughout the Madison area.

  • Our special events draw hundreds of people.

With a mutual commitment and passion for preserving Madison’s historic places, our continued financial support of the Trust since the early 1990’s has benefited our construction business with numerous opportunities for working on the city’s fine historic building stock. Thank you for all you do!
— Eric Donovan, TDS Custom Construction

Depending on the level of financial contribution, As an annual partner you may receive the following benefits from the date of your contribution!

* If you are interested in becoming a Partner of the Madison Trust , please contact us at or (608) 441-8864 to learn more about this unique opportunity.

** Special Events with patron sponsors include our Annual Historic Preservation Awards, the Specialty Walking Tour, summer Historic Architecture Walking Tours, lectures, and workshops. (Fundraising events excluded.)

*** Private Walking Tours are available on mutually convenient dates, May – September.

Bonus Opportunity: Special Event Patron Partner. Some special events offer an opportunity for you to be a Patron Partner, helping to defray costs and receiving acknowledgements for your additional cash or in-kind support. Let us know if this interests you.

The Madison Trust for Historic Preservation is a great way to insure that the history and architecture of our past does not disappear and will remain with us for future generations.
— Rick Ouimette, Cardinal Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electric